Collection: Yamabuki Collection (Koi Charm)

The name 'Yamabuki' finds its origins in the Japanese language, symbolizing the rich, golden hue of the Yamabuki flower. This flower is often associated with wealth, success, and good fortune, making it an auspicious emblem for those seeking abundance in their lives.

At the heart of each Yamabuki Bracelet is an elegant Koi Fish Charm. With its legendary ability to swim upstream against formidable currents, serves as an inspiration for those who wear the Yamabuki I Bracelet. It embodies the wearer's resilience in the face of adversity, their unwavering determination to achieve lofty goals, and their capacity for personal growth and transformation. It is a beacon of hope and encouragement, reminding its wearer of the endless possibilities that lie ahead and the abundance that awaits those who dare to dream and persevere.

Yamabuki Collection (Koi Charm)